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Run Stripe Webhooks URL from localhost

Stripe is a payment gateway that is becoming increasingly popular in the Web industry. It offers payment processing services, which can be easily integrated into your Web application using the Stripe API. As in any other payment gateway…

PHP program to print Diamond Pattern

In this article write a PHP program to print Diamond Pattern using asterisk (*) symbol. We run for loop 8 times, in which you have two outer for loops which contains two nested for loops to print Pyramid Pattern and Reverse Pyramid Pattern…

PHP program to print Floyd Triangle number

In this article write a PHP program to print Floyd triangle number. We run for loop 8 times, in which you have 1 outer for loops which contains 1 nested for loop and if condition to print Floyd triangle number as shown in the following…

PHP Program to print Triangle number

In this article write a PHP program to print triangle number. We run for loop 10 times, in which you have 1 outer for loops which contains 1 nested for loop and if condition to print triangle number as shown in the following program.…